For Electrical And Mechanical Work
We are Medium and High Voltage contractors, for electrical works.
We are also agents and distributors of multinational companies including ABB, Suedkabel and Omicron.

Local Company
Electrical Technologies S.A.L.” Is An ISO 9001; 2015 Certified Company Managed By Mr.Nadim Saadé. Electrical Technologies Is Listed In EDL Approved Supplier/Contractor List For Supply/Execution Of Electrical And Mechanical Works

TRACE has completed a TRACEcertification (ID: TC4192-7886) due diligence review of Electrical Technologies SAL. Certification by TRACE signifies that Electrical Technologies SAL has completed internationally accepted due diligence procedures and has been forthcoming and cooperative during the review process. TRACEcertification underscores Electrical Technologies SAL’s commitment to transparency in international commercial transactions.

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